Fresh, classic bridal bouquet with roses and daisies with some green foilage

Wedding Florist Moonee Ponds - Stunning flowers for your special day. 

At Herbivore, we create breathtaking wedding flowers tailored to your unique love story. As a leading Wedding Florist Moonee Ponds, we specialize in wedding bouquets, floral arrangements, and bridal florals designed to reflect your style.

Beautiful Wedding


We are proud to supply:

Beautiful Wedding Flowers to Suit Your Style, Delivered Melbourne-Wide

Your wedding day is a once-in-a-lifetime moment, and your flowers should be just as special. At Herbivore, we create custom wedding flower arrangements that perfectly match your theme.

Custom Bridal Bouquets & Wedding Party Flowers

Your bridal bouquet is a reflection of your personality. We design bridal bouquets, bridesmaid bouquets, and boutonnières to match your wedding vision. We use the finest market fresh flowers in all of our designs to ensure a lasting look. 

Ceremony & Reception Floral Arrangements

Transform your venue with lush floral decor. From floral arches to table centerpieces, we create arrangements that set the perfect mood. 

Looking For a Florist for your Wedding Flowers?

Good wedding flowers can make or break a wedding. Our fresh, stunning bouquets and head turning table arrangements will make your big day an extravaganza of visual delight! 

Why Choose Herbivore as Your Wedding Florist Moonee Ponds

Bespoke floral designs crafted to match your style.

Locally sourced blooms for long-lasting freshness.

Seamless planning so you can focus on your big day. 

Experienced florists with a passion for weddings

Book Your Wedding Florist Moonee Ponds today!

Let’s create stunning wedding flowers together. Contact Herbivore for a consultation and bring your floral dreams to life!


Visit us on Instagram @Herbivoreflorals