Wedding Florist Melbourne


Every business needs a set of values. Herbivore's values are our guiding light - and constantly being reviewed.


As a business, we can't succeed or grow without our people. We are always striving to make our people feel valued, whether that be our team, community or clients. We also understand the importance of providing opportunities for our people and celebrate their success. From the workroom to the boardroom, people drive Herbivore.

Integrity and ethics

We pride ourselves for being a professional and trusted industry supplier. Honestly is what guides us and we are always accountable for our work and responsibilities. As a business, we mean what we say.


Herbivore prioritizes safe work practices in all areas of the business. We promote a healthy reporting culture and staff are encouraged to speak up if they feel that there is avoidable risk. We continuously review our safety procedures and understand the concept of psychosocial hazards in the workplace.

Innovative Thinking

We foster a culture of introspection and passion for continuous improvement. We encourage curiosity, embrace failure as a learning opportunity, and provide resources for experimentation. We celebrate innovative ideas and recognize those who challenge the status quo.


We strive to action small steps where possible to improve our work methods. We love to promote a more sustainable floral and events industry. We strive towards protecting the environment and the communities where we do business.