Fresh Flower Bouquet

Fresh Flower Bouquet

Choosing the perfect fresh flower bouquet can be as delightful as a stroll through a blooming garden on a sunny day. Whether you are giving a small flower bouquet to a friend or buying a big one for a special event, the right choice matters. So, let’s dive into the world of petals and stems to find your perfect match!

Know Your Occasion

First things first, what’s the occasion? A small flower bouquet might be just the thing for a casual get-together or a simple "thinking of you" gesture. A fresh flower bouquet with a grand style is great for weddings, anniversaries, or other important celebrations. Knowing the occasion helps you decide on the type of flowers and the size of the bouquet.


Seasonal Arrangements

Shop our fresh seasonal arrangements. Online ordered for delivery across Melbourne. 

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Who we Service

Herbivore services some of the most exclusive spaces in Melbourne, from office buildings in the CBD, to Airport lounges. Our dedicated team of Corporate Florists is ready to elevate your space. 

Understand the Recipient's Preferences

Everyone has their own flower favorites. Some might swoon over roses, while others are captivated by the elegance of lilies. Maybe sunflowers are their jam, bringing a splash of sunshine into their lives. Take a moment to consider what the recipient loves. If you’re not sure, a mixed flower bouquet is a good choice. It has a little bit of everything in a lovely mix of colors and scents.

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Consider the Color Palette

Color plays a huge role in the emotional impact of your bouquet. Bright, bold colors like reds and yellows can energize and uplift, making them great for celebrations. Soft pastels like pinks and lavenders evoke a sense of calm and romance, ideal for intimate gatherings. Choose a color palette that aligns with the mood you want to convey.


From Dreamer to Creator

I was born in Creswick, Regional Victoria. From a young age I spent many days roaming the expanse of bushland behind our family home. The smell of the Australian bush on a long summer evening enticed me to work with nature - it's creations and it's beauty. Working with nature every day is something I am truly grateful for. My mission with Herbivore is to do things differently and stand out as a unique, cutting edge florist in Melbourne. 


Seasonal Blooms for a Fresh Pick

Choosing seasonal flowers keeps them fresh and adds a touch of nature's beauty to your bouquet. Spring is all about tulips and daffodils, while summer brings vibrant roses and sunflowers. Autumn offers rich dahlias and chrysanthemums, and winter showcases elegant amaryllis and poinsettias. Seasonal choices can make your bouquet feel even more special and relevant.

The Herbivore Difference 

The standard:

Every Tuesday and Thursday morning, our Creative Director Emma travels to the wholesale market to hand pick every stem. 

All floral work and quality control is overseen by Emma on a day to day basis

We don't do generic - in everything we create, we aim to be different. 


We only use Fresh Flowers.

They Last Longer.

They Look Better.

Don't waste your time and money with flowers from Coles and Woolworths. Premium flowers not only last longer, but are appreciated by the keen eye for detail, so don't skimp!

Personal Touches

Adding a personal touch can transform a beautiful bouquet into something truly memorable. Think about adding a handwritten note, the recipient's favorite flower, or a small keepsake with special meaning. These thoughtful additions show the extra mile you’ve gone to make the gift unique.

In the end, choosing the perfect fresh flower bouquet is all about the thought and love you put into it. Whether it’s a small bouquet or a big floral arrangement, the right choice will bring joy to those who get it. So, the next time you’re on a quest for the ideal bouquet, remember these tips, and you’ll be blooming with success!

Ready to pick your perfect fresh flower bouquet? Order above for delivery in Melbourne, or email us at